Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Aegis of Supper - Take 2

Again, many thanks to my friend, Helen for the largess from her garden. Tonight supper featured home-grown lettuce and zucchinis from Helen's garden and tomatoes and lemon thyme from mine. I made a salad from Helen's lettuce and some parsley and from my own tomatoes. I marinated some chicken tenders with lemon juice, lemon thyme, garlic powder and fresh ground pepper. Then I grilled it on the George Foreman. I steamed up the green zucchini and warmed up some corn tortillas and wallah!


Celia said...

Mmmmm! I'm so hungry!

Margi said...

Versatile Blogger Awarded to you! Love your posts, all of them. Pick it up here!

g-girl said...
